
INEOS Energy operates a number of key producing offshore assets across the UK and Danish parts of the North Sea along with onshore assets in South Texas, USA.
We continually put safety and reliability of supply as a core principle across our operations in both Europe and the US.
In Europe & US
Data from YE 2022
UK & Denmark Offshore
US Onshore
The key focus for the UK business is to produce natural gas safely and reliably for the UK domestic market. Key operated assets are Breagh and Clipper South. We also have a non-operated interest in the Greater Laggan Area (GLA) gas fields.
A good example of a key UK project is the ‘Breagh Compression’; we’re investing in a compressor in order to increase production field life by using power from the grid.
Each of our UK assets have some of the lowest carbon intensity production in the North Sea, we will still be able to make this statement post Breagh compression.
The key focus for the Denmark business is to produce oil and gas safely, reliably and to reduce its carbon footprint through the pursuit of Carbon storage in depleted oil reservoirs.
Key operated assets are the Siri and Syd Arne fields. Other active areas are Syd Arne production enhancement and Solsort and Hejre developments. Another key project for the Danish business is ‘Project Greensand’ a Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) project we are developing in the Nini reservoir (Siri Area).
The key focus for the US onshore business is to safely and efficiently acquire, explore, and develop properties to produce natural gas, oil and NGL from underground reservoirs. Key operated assets are in the Eagle Ford shale basin in South Texas. Owning and operating producing US onshore assets is part of INEOS Energy’s strategy to build a global integrated portfolio, fit for the energy transition, offering high-quality energy solutions to its customers.