
Response to Rob Edwards, Sunday Herald

On 27 October 11:55 Rob Edwards, Sunday Herald, requested a comment from Petroineos regarding our data submission to SEPA’s 2016 Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory.

Whilst Rob failed to use our comment in full in his online article, this is the statement we provided:

“Grangemouth is one of the last major manufacturing facilities left in Scotland, directly employing, across the entire industrial complex, 1350 people and many thousands more indirectly. The crude oil refinery is the only one in Scotland and produces the bulk of fuels used across the nation. If the 4.5 million tonnes per year of clean transport fuels were not produced in Scotland, they would need to be shipped in from elsewhere around the globe at considerable environmental impact, and financial cost to road transport users in Scotland.

Converting crude oil into fuels that heat our homes, deliver goods and services and keeps Scotland on the move is a very energy intensive process. We are therefore constantly looking at ways to drive efficiencies, reduce our energy usage and thereby be more able to compete in the global oil and fuels market. This includes significant investments made into training and equipment as well as improving plant reliability. 2016 was actually our most energy efficient year in the history of the Refinery, with considerable effort made on energy conservation and how we operate our equipment.”

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