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Suppliers/ contractors - INEOS NV

Opening Hours

For delivery - Monday to Friday, Except Bank Holidays. 

7:45 to 11:30
12:15 to 15:45

Deliveries for which a crane is required:
3 days advance notice; be present before 3pm on the site.
Contact Receiving on the number +32 3 250 91 70 or send an e-mail.

Delivery Address

Haven 1019 - Poort 3
Lat. 51.248328, Long. 4.324890
2070 Zwijndrecht

Fallback Card image

Invoice Address

Postbus 10066
t.a.v. Invoice audit
2070 Zwijndrecht

Fallback Card image

Address & Details for Visitors

HAVEN 1053 Portier Zuid
Nieuwe Weg 1
2070 Zwijndrecht

Google Maps

Attention: Many GPS systems guide you wrong! It is preferable to use Haven 1053.

When you arrive, follow the direction to the site until the parking. At the right parking you will find the enterance of the building: "office", at the left side of the building you will find the enterance of the site "Portier Zuid"


  1. Announce at "Portier Zuid":
    Address: Nieuwe Weg 1, Zwijndrecht
    When you arrive follow the direction to the site until the parking. At your right you will find the "portiersloge".
  2. Show the required documents as instructed in our regulations form IMV 70F
  3. A film will be showen, watch attentively the movie because a test will be followed after. Only when you succeed you receive a badge to enter the site.
  4. For cars (if required) access only via "Portier Noord".

Keep it safe! Follow procedures and still do your start work analysis!