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INOVYN announces intention to invest in EDC import capability at its Martorell Site


INOVYN has today announced its intention to invest in a project to deliver the capability to import EDC to its PVC and VCM manufacturing operations at Martorell, Spain.

The Project is based on EDC supply by deep sea vessels, with storage in Barcelona harbour and rail transport to Martorell Site.

The investment at Martorell will enable INOVYN to maintain PVC and VCM production at current capacity beyond the date when production from its mercury cellroom will cease in accordance with the terms of the Industrial Emissions Directive (preventing the manufacture of EDC with chlorine derived from mercury cells).

The investment at Martorell also includes the production of hydrochloric acid. In addition, INOVYN remains committed to supplying caustic soda and sodium hypochlorite to the Iberian market and is evaluating options for doing so.

Comments Filipe Constant, Business Director for INOVYN: "We are engaged in ongoing dialogue with regional and national authorities in Spain to secure the long-term competitiveness of the operations at Martorell against a backdrop of high energy costs for electrointensive companies such as INOVYN. 

"In the meantime, this investment is a further demonstration of INOVYN’s strong leadership in providing continuity of supply to customers during difficult and uncertain situations relating to chlorine production continuity and competitiveness in the Region."