Our Credentials

To reach a Net Zero economy and tackle climate change, society must cut its reliance on fossil fuels and seek alternative, affordable and sustainable forms of energy. Hydrogen will play a growing role in this transformation as when burned does not produce carbon dioxide (CO2) instead it yields water.
Hydrogen is a sustainable alternative solution to traditional fossil fuels – that supports decarbonisation by:
Hydrogen will help decarbonise sectors where alternatives, such as electrification, may be unfeasible or uneconomical. These include:
The traditional method to produce hydrogen splits natural gas into carbon dioxide and hydrogen. This process releases large quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change.
Electrolysis provides an alternative solution to producing hydrogen, by using electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen.
When carried out during periods of abundant renewable electricity, such as wind and solar, hydrogen can support the electricity sector by providing vital long-term and large-scale storage. Through this process, hydrogen contributes to our energy systems flexibility by balancing out supply and demand – helping smooth out when there’s either too much or not enough power being generated.