
International Rescue Corps receives boost with INEOS donation

  • Grangemouth-based International Rescue Corps, has become the latest local charity in the Falkirk District to benefit from a Community Fund established by INEOS
  • A £2000 INEOS donation will enable the Charity to provide transport and deploy volunteer personnel to deliver food parcels to vulnerable families and school breakfast club members in Grangemouth during the on-going Covid-19 pandemic
  • International Rescue Corp’s Robert Barrie, says, “The Grant we have received from the INEOS Community Fund is vital and will allow us to continue our local operations in Grangemouth and Falkirk, supporting those most vulnerable in the community. INEOS’ donation has come at just the right time for us.”

At a time when their fundraising activities have been curtailed or cancelled, a £2000 donation from INEOS’ Community Fund has been a very welcome boost for the International Rescue Corps – who rely wholly on donations and contributions from members of the public at fundraising events to enable their vital work.

The Grangemouth-headquartered Charity is best known for responding to and working overseas during disasters and events. Since its formation in 1981, the team has utilised its experience and ability to mobilise anywhere in the world in response to natural and man-made disasters such as earthquakes and floods, drawing specialists together from across the UK.

This strength, however, has also provided significant challenges for the Charity during the Covid-19 outbreak, explains Anne Marie Macdonald, IRC’s National Training and Administration Officer:  “The very thing that is a strength of the organisation, is, in this case, a huge weakness.  The fact that our membership is spread all over the UK means that only one area in the UK has enough members in close proximity to each other to be able to offer significant assistance during the current pandemic - Grangemouth.”

And so using their vehicles and their specialised skills in logistics and crisis response management, the IRC has turned its focus to supporting members of the local community in and around Falkirk. As part of the Scottish Community Resilience Network and member of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Community Asset Register, the IRC team are playing an important role in a coordinated community response to the pandemic. The £2000 INEOS donation will enable the Charity to mobilise their volunteers and assist local organisations, including the Kersiebank Food Project in their delivery of a number of vital services to the community. IRC members have deployed their resources to distribute food parcels to the most deprived and vulnerable people in the area and also delivered the 'Kids Breakfast Club' supplies to the local children who attend the school 'breakfast club', similar to the free school meals initiative.

IRC Operational Director, Robert (Rab) Barrie concludes, “The Grant we have received from the INEOS Community Fund is vital and will allow us to continue our local operations in Grangemouth and Falkirk, supporting those most vulnerable in the community. Donations such as those received from INEOS are our only income and has come just the right time for us.”

The Charity was nominated by Kris Anderson, Mechanical Technician at INEOS’ Forties Pipeline System (FPS) business in Kinneil. Kris said, “INEOS has recognised the important role of the IRC and has supported the charity with supplies of hand sanitiser to protect their volunteers during their community work. With the Charity’s income stream coming under severe strain, the financial donation comes on top of this and helps the Corps to continue their valuable work in the local community close to our manufacturing operations in Grangemouth.”

International Rescue Corps

If you are interested in learning more about this charity, please visit their website at:

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