Here you'll find the information about each of our sites.

Newton Aycliffe
INEOS Compounds Aycliffe Limited, located in the town of Newton Aycliffe, has an annual capacity of 122,000 tonnes and is the largest single site producer of PVC compounds in Europe. Products manufactured here include rigid and flexible compounds in granulate and dry blend that are used in various applications in the construction, cable, packaging, automotive and medical industries.

Sins, Switzerland
INEOS Compounds Switzerland AG is located in Sins, close to Zug and Lucerne. The site employs 45 staff and has an annual capacity of 30,000 tonnes of PVC Compounds. It has a regional focus, serving Central and East Europe, including Switzerland, Germany, France, Poland and Slovakia. Products manufactured here include rigid and flexible compounds in granules and dry blends that are used in various applications in the automotive, building and medical industries.

Helsingborg, Sweden
INEOS Compounds Sweden AB is located in the coastal city of Helsingborg in the south of Sweden and has an annual capacity of 22,000 tonnes. The site employs approximately 55 staff and manufactures PVC Compounds for a variety of applications. The products are mainly supplied in the Nordic market as rigid and flexible pellets, as well as in powder form called dry blend.