The information below provides answers to questions related to INEOS Composites Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and compliance with REACH.
Are the INEOS Composites SDS for products sold within Europe compliant with REACH?
Yes. INEOS is in compliance with the requirements of REACH.
Are registration numbers disclosed on the INEOS Composites SDS?
Yes. For all registered hazardous ingredients, listed in Chapter 3 of the SDS, the registration number will be disclosed as well as EC and CAS number and the mass percentage range of the ingredients in the product. Registered pure substances have their registration number displayed in section 1 of the SDS. Please note that many do not require a registration (like polymers) or do not require to be displayed on the SDS.
In case a European customer is visited by a local authority requesting additional information on the registration status of substances contained in our products, please contact us your INEOS Composites sales representative and we will provide relevant information to the authorities directly.
Are the results of the Chemical Safety Assessment as outlined in the Chemical Safety Report included in the INEOS Composites SDS? (In other words, is the SDS already extended SDS, or extSDS?)
Yes, an extended SDS will be provided for single substances that are registered and are hazardous.
No, an extended SDS will not be provided when the product is (i) a polymer, (ii) a non-hazardous mixture, (iii) a mixture containing a substance that has not been registered (low volume; exempt from registration).
In case of our products that are mixtures, if they contain one or more registered substances for which an Exposure Scenario (ES) has been generated, INEOS Composites will provide customers with this necessary information within 12 months, as required under REACH. We are working together with other members in the industry to develop processes and tools for the incorporation of ES for mixtures, either embedded in the SDS or as an annex to its SDS (extended SDS).
Are Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) disclosed on the INEOS Composites SDS?
Yes. If an SVHC is present in one of our products at a level requiring disclosure (typically 0.1 percent or higher) according to regulation (EC) 1272/2008, then these are identified in section 3 of the SDS and a remark is present in section 15.
Is your product registered for my end use?
During the registration process registrants have been working with trade associations to cover the common uses for a specific market segment as collected in specific use maps. The use map concept is developed to improve the quality of the information on use and conditions of use communicated up the supply chain and the efficiency of this communication process.
Use maps are typically generated by downstream user sector organizations by collecting information on the uses and the conditions of use of chemicals in their sector in a harmonized and structured way.
Registrants use available use maps developed by the downstream user sectors to prepare their chemical safety assessments under REACH that reflect relevant and realistic information on uses and conditions of use.
INEOS selects, based on the markets we sell in, specific use maps and include these in our registrations. Similar, when communicating with our suppliers, we refer to these specific use maps.
What has been registered will be communicated to you, either directly or through the SDS. If you identify a use that has not been covered, please contact us.