PTAir Low Carbon
To support customer targets for 2030 greenhouse gas reductions, INEOS Aromatics offers PTAir Low Carbon, a PTA product with a significantly reduced carbon footprint. PTAir Low Carbon will become the new low carbon footprint standard, enabling converters to progress on their carbon roadmap by reducing their Scope 3 emissions and offer low carbon footprint products to their customers. A feature of PTAir Low Carbon is its use of proprietary PX and PTA technology that supports the lower global warming potential.
PTAir Neutral
As well as reducing the impact of our own operations, INEOS is also committed to providing products that help our partners reduce their own impact on the climate. PTAir Neutral, the world’s first certified carbon neutral PTA1, offers INEOS Aromatics customers the opportunity to purchase a carbon neutral product with net zero carbon emissions. That is accomplished through collaboration with organisations that invest in various carbon emission reduction projects located around the world.
PTAir Low Carbon and PTAir Neutral are available in Europe.
[1] Carbon neutrality of PTAir Neutral achieved by INEOS Aromatics Limited NV. PTAir is certified to the PAS 2060 standard for defined periods and assured by a licensed environmental certifier.