
July Restriction: INEOS FPS resumes service

The repair of Train 3 of the FPS has been completed. 

Our customers are in the process of ramping up to full rates.  


UPDATE 3: Thursday 11th July 2019 (14:00 UK):

INEOS FPS progress the repair of one of its three processing units at Kinneil.

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Current throughput of FPS is approximately 190mbd.

Based on our current understanding the repair is expected to be completed later today and we plan to restart train 3 tonight, allowing our customers to begin the process of ramping up to full rates.


UPDATE 2 - Tuesday 9th July 2019:

INEOS FPS progress the rapair of one of its three processing units at Kinneil.

Tuesday, 09 July 2019

Current throughput of FPS is approximately 190mbd.

Inspectors have completed their analysis of the point of failure on the heater and a repair is currently being progressed. As a precaution other associated areas of the heater are also being checked.

Based on our current understanding the repair is expected to take two to three days. Our view at the moment is that we would restart train 3 sometime between Thursday and Friday this week, allowing our customers to ramp up to full rates.

Further updates will be issued as we progress.

INEOS FPS apologises to its Customers for the inconvenience caused.


UPDATE 1 - Monday 8th July 2019:

INEOS to progressively reduce flow of the Forties Pipeline System for repair on one of its three processing units at Kinneil.

Monday, 08 July 2019

Overnight Kinneil Train 3 has been safely taken off line and current throughput of FPS is approximately 180mbd.

Once the Train 3 heater is hydrocarbon free then our Inspectors will be given access in order to better understand the extent of the repair that is needed. This is expected later tonight.

Based on our current understanding the repair is expected to take two to three days. Our view at the moment is that we would restart train 3 sometime between Wednesday and Friday this week, allowing our customers to ramp up to full rates.

Further updates will be issued as we progress.

INEOS FPS apologises to its Customers for the inconvenience caused.


Original message issued Sunday 07 July

INEOS to progressively reduce flow of the Forties Pipeline System for repair on one of its three processing units at Kinneil.

Sunday, 07 July 2019

INEOS to progressively reduce flow of the Forties Pipeline System for repair on one of its three processing units at Kinneil.

INEOS FPS has this afternoon confirmed that it has started progressively reducing the throughput of the Forties Pipeline System to 150 mbd.

An operational issue with the main heater on Train 3 of the pipeline system at Kinneil requires immediate repair.

The progressive reduction of flow through the pipeline is being managed with our customers and their offshore operations through this afternoon.

It is expected that a reduced flow will be in place for two days until midday on Tuesday.

A further update will be issued as we progress the repair.

FPS have apologised to its customers for the inconvenience caused.


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