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INEOS' commitment is to protect the health and safety of our employees, the communities in which we operate and the users of our products. We aim to meet or where practicable exceed all relevant legislative requirements and minimise the effect of our operations on the environment.


Our Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE) Policy

Our goal is zero injuries, to be achieved through a positive safety culture in which we believe all accidents are preventable.

We care…

  • About the safety, security and health of our workforce, customers, suppliers and our neighbours,
  • About the environment, today and tomorrow,
  • About compliance with the law,
  • About developing a workforce of SHE champions

We hold ourselves and each other accountable for SHE performance.

Excellence in Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE) performance is a top priority for INEOS. We aim to meet or exceed all legislative requirements in these areas. We set annual performance targets and are committed to continuous improvement in all aspects of our operations.

  • INEOS Oxide has embraced the goals of the chemical industry's voluntary "Responsible Care" programme, a continuing effort to improve the chemical industry's health, safety and environmental performance, and applies them to the entire business.
  • INEOS Oxide strives to prevent all accidents and injuries trough the active participation of every employee. The company is committed to continuous efforts to identify and eliminate or manage safety risks associated with its activities. 
  • INEOS Oxide is dedicated to produce environmentally responsible operations and has a long-standing commitment to continuous efforts to improve its environmental performance. 

Total Quality Policy

INEOS Oxide is committed to meeting customer requirements, both internal and external, for all products and services at all times.

This is a continuous process involving:

  • The identification of customer needs and the development, manufacture and delivery of products and services to meet those needs consistently.
  • Feedback from the customer on the company's performance and appropriate action to improve our quality performance.
  • It is supported by applying total quality management systems: all production and service units at our sites have now been ISO9001 certified for more than ten year.


  • The continuous improvements of the environmental performance of the sites in Lavera, Antwerp and Cologne has been endorsed by the ISO14001 certificates.


site iso registration
Zwijndrecht 9001 (Dutch) 9001 (English) 14001 (Dutch) 14001 (English) 50001 (Dutch) 50001 (English) ISCC Plus
Koln 9001, 14001, 50001, ISCC Plus
Lavera 9001, 14001, 50001
Plaquemine 9001
Bayport 9001



INEOS is committed to fulfilling its REACH obligations under its commitments to responsible care, free trade and in limiting risks of exposure to chemicals for health and the environment. Its businesses have registered with the European Chemicals Agency those substances subject to a REACH registration, which are manufactured or imported in quantities exceeding one tonne per year. It continues to work, alone or with co-registrants as required, to ensure that dossiers are maintained up to date and of the required quality and, where relevant, address activities pertaining to dossier evaluation, substance evaluation, restriction and authorisation. Where it is a requirement, INEOS is also developing dossiers for REACH-like registrations in other parts of the world. If you have specific questions regarding REACH for the substance you purchase from INEOS, please contact the specific INEOS business.
