Water Treatment
Derakane™ stands up to corrosive process streams, chemical scrubbing media and chemical by-products of scrubbing processes and cleaning solutions.

Fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) made with INEOS Derakane™ epoxy vinyl ester resins is heavily used whenever water is part of the equation. Used extensively to resist corrosion in vessels and piping for water treatment facilities, it is also particularly well-suited to seawater piping for cooling water systems and desalination plants.
Derakane™ stands up to corrosive process streams, chemical scrubbing media and chemical by-products of scrubbing processes and cleaning solutions. Work with the Derakane™ team to specify performance in your water processing equipment:
- Tanks/Vessels
- Scrubbers, Ducting, and Fume Handling Equipment
- Pipe
- Gratings, Ladders & Railings
- Protective Coatings
To discuss your project or contact INEOS for a resin recommendation, please send an email to derakane@ineos.com.