Who We Are
INEOS Acetyls in the Americas, has its headquarters in Warrenville, Illinois, USA.

Who We Are
INEOS Acetyls in the Americas, has its headquarters in Warrenville, Illinois, USA. It is a leading market supplier of acetic acid and acetic anhydride to North and South America. These products are used largely in everyday consumer goods and as chemical intermediates to produce derivative products.
Previously a part of BP’s Downstream business, INEOS acquired the business in 2020. INEOS continues to expand to provide strategic and efficient supply of acetic acid to customers and in 2023, INEOS completed the acquisition of the Eastman Texas City site, the 600kt Acetic Acid plant and all associated third party activities, from Eastman Chemical Company.
INEOS supplies customers from the Texas City Site.
Our History
Our story begins with Monsanto, the original owner and developer of a leading acetic acid technology. Later a group of employees and other investors formed Sterling Chemicals to purchase the asset while bp purchased the technology.
A deal was put together with Sterling Chemicals that gave bp the exclusive rights to 100% of the acetic acid produced from the Texas City unit.
In 2011, Sterling Chemicals was purchased by Eastman Chemical Company, who then operated the Texas City facility.
And in 2023, INEOS acquired the Eastman Texas City site, the 600kt Acetic Acid plant and all associated third party activities, from Eastman Chemical Company.
INEOS has an ownership share in Atlas Methanol Company. This joint venture owns one of the world’s largest single-train methanol plants, producing up to 1,822Kmt per year. Brought on stream in 2004 and strategically located in Trinidad and Tobago, this efficient and modern plant can competitively supply global methanol markets.